Pesta Ubin 2020 is going online!

Hi all! Pesta Ubin 2020 will begin on 12th September and end on a high-note with Ubin Day 2020 on 26th September! As large gatherings are not allowed as part of COVID-19 safe distancing measures, having nearly a thousand visitors flocking to the island (just as how we have seen for the previous Pesta Ubins) clearly is not possible. So that's why we're taking the annual festivities online, instead! Organised by passionate individuals and groups from the Friends of Ubin Network (FUN) and supported by the National Parks Board (NParks), this year's Pesta Ubin celebration revolves around the theme of "Remembering Pulau Ubin". Various stakeholders have some exciting activities lined up just for you; for you to join in from the comforts of your home or wherever you may be! Come and learn about the island's socio-cultural heritage and efforts to revitalise Singapore's final offshore kampung community, find out about ongoing and future restoration and conservation ...