Where Have U-Bin? ft. Gregory

Hi All! I might be starting a new series on Wan's Ubin Journal called "Where Have U-Bin?" where I feature some of our foreign (and maybe local) friends who have stepped foot on Pulau Ubin and were also amazed as to what our island had to offer. For our first post in the series, let me introduce you to Gregory! Say hi to Gregory! Photo courtesy of Gregory @travelingeevee I have had the wonderful pleasure of crossing paths with Gregory (@travelingeevee) when I was scrolling through Instagram and even featured his posts on Wan's Ubin Journal's "Ubin Also Instagrammable" series. You may take a look at his awesome photos right here ! We have recently kept in touch since the feature and I even found out that not only did he post his pictures of Ubin on his Instagram, he also created a vlog of that very trip as well! He was more than willing and happy to share the link of his vlog with me and I was more than thrilled to watch it. In the vlo...