COVID-19's Impact on Ubin: One Month On

Hi all! In today's post, I will be sharing about the impact that the ongoing COVID-19 disease outbreak has left on Ubin based on my engagement with the residents there during my impromptu visit with my mom last Sunday (Feb 23). When news first came out about the COVID-19 making its way into our shores back in late January, I was slightly concerned on how things would go and I knew we would have to be extremely vigilant. In fact, just days after the first local transmission cases were reported and after the Ministry of Health had raised the DORSCON level to "Orange", it became clear that there were going to be some slight inconveniences to be faced - such as additional precautionary measures taken in an effort to stop the spread of this mostly-unknown novel coronavirus. I did not hesitate to suspend WUJ Kampung Clean-Up until further notice. I did not take any chances upon myself to put the lives of the elderly residents at risk given the nature of how...