WUJ Kampong Clean-Up Feb '19

Hi All, This post will talk about the experience of WUJ's 2nd Kampong Clean-Up which took place on February 24th, 2019. 7 wonderful people came down to Pulau Ubin to dedicate their Saturday morning to join me in making a difference for the residents there - and this time round, we headed down to Pak Ahmad's House where he kindly requested additional assistance. When we gathered at the house, Pak Ahmad and Nenek Piah were having a relaxing time in their serambi. I also passed to their family helper, Kak Ratnah, a memory card filled with over 102 P Ramlee songs following their request to be able to listen to their favourite songs once more. After the volunteers got to know more about Pak Ahmad and Nenek Piah, I asked Pak Ahmad what does he need a helping hand in - to which he joked and said that it would be an extremely challenging task. I have already been helping Pak Ahmad many months prior to organising the kampong cleanups and I told myself that I might have...